BiDir is the ultimate business directory for people looking to buy products and services from trusted vendors, businesses, and professionals. Basically, this is where your customer’s shopping starts.
To take advantage of our platform and the audience we attract, start by setting up your FREE online shop/space.
We give you a professsional online shop/space where you can tell people what your business/brand is, what you offer, and how to get in touch with you.
A BiDir shop/space will include your business/brand name, description, contacts, locations, and a list of the products/services you offer. Something like this:
Our online shops/spaces are fully optimized and built to the best web and online standards. They also look good regardless of what device your customer will be visiting your shop on.
Fun Tip: If you’re on desktop, view the example above on mobile. And vice versa. You’ll see what we mean 😉.
These shops are also indexed for SEO, meaning your BiDir online shop/space can be found through a web search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Therefore, we ensure we get you traffic from everywhere, not just direct BiDir users.
Even better, you get a dedicated link to your online shop/space, something that looks like this:
Therefore, you can share your BiDir online shop/space as a professional link on your business portfolio, social media, marketing, or promotional material.
We are generous with the shop/space we offer you. If you jump onto the paid memberships, you get to list up to 25 products/services you offer as a business, brand, or professional, with each listing getting up to 8 images and a dedicated page and link. Just like your BiDir shop/space links, you can include these links in your marketing or promotional material such as brochures and newsletters.
Assuming you’re running a business called XYZ Biz, a link to a listing in your BiDir shop/space will look something like this: - For products - For services
Visually, you get a professional-looking product/service page, something like this
Your shop’s product/service pages are also fully responsive and built to look professional.
They’re also indexed for SEO, therefore accessible ANYWHERE on the web. Therefore, you get to attract traffic inside and outside BiDir, which includes people searching for the product or service you’re offering through web search engines such as Google.
Despite giving you a professional online shop/space within our platform, BiDir respects your business’s autonomy.
Sell as many products/services as BiDir has brought your business, and we’ll not ask for a percentage or cent extra. Our purpose is to make it easier for you to get the online and web visibility your business/brand deserves.
BiDir understands that not every business needs to sell online, or online-only. There are products/services customers just want to see or buy in person. So, despite putting you online and on the web through our shops/spaces and opening you up to a new audience, your business is free to communicate what it sells online, and what customers can get in-store. The choice is fully yours and your customer’s.
Since we don’t control how you sell, whether online or in-store, you get the freedom to provide your location(s) on BiDir, and we’ll direct your online traffic there. You can provide operating hours for each location, and we’ll help your customers know exactly what time they should visit, text, or call.
Moreover, you get unique links for your BiDir shop/space and the products/services you’ve listed/advertised there, which you can share with your clients on other platforms or put them in crucial business material such as brochures.
Your brand/business doesn’t have a website yet? No problem.
A BiDir shop/space easily gets you online and on the web, without the heavy initial investment of building your own website. Our online shops/spaces cover all the basics of a business/brand’s websites, making them more than sufficient for giving you the online visibility you need. Every page is tuned to the correct web/SEO standards, without you having to touch a thing.
Even if you have a website, we’re not here to make your website obsolete. BiDir is that extra source of online traffic and visibility that will bring more leads and customers to your doorstep. We don’t just put businesses/brands online or in the greater worldwide web, we also host a platform where a highly targeted audience, coming to find specific brands, businesses, products, and services, converge in search of their next purchase.
At it’s core, BiDir is operating an online business directory. This means that we’re actively bringing users on our platform to discover businesses, brands, professionals, products, and services around them.
Therefore, your BiDir shop/space doesn’t exist in an empty space. Rather, we put you on display to our traffic of users who can find you, engage you, and potentially do business with you from any corner of Kenya/the world.
What makes us very different is that our audience is fully-focused and targeted. We bring them to BiDir to do one thing only - shop around, discover, and do business. This is the kind of audience that converts. And by just having your BiDir shop/space set up, you have full access to this audience. Therefore, having a BiDir shop will more than likely expand your visibility, network, and revenue.
Setting up and running your BiDir online shop/space will only cost you five minutes and absolutely nothing to start.
We offer three membership plans, starting with the FREE membership that allows you to set up your storefront/business profile in BiDir for absolutely ZERO costs, FOREVER. This storefront carries important details about your business such as operating hours, business name, description of what you sell or provide, a location, and phone contacts and can be found by anyone searching on BiDir and the world wide web.
If you want more space and visibility to list what you have and your locations, we offer two plans - BiDir Basic - great for small service providers and professionals, and BiDir SME - great for small businesses looking for great value.
At BiDir, it’s our belief that, in the digital age, ALL businesses, brands, and professionals must have an online home. One that opens them to the massive digital space, while respecting the business’s/brand’s unique needs and customer demands.
Whether you’re just starting your business in your home, running a small shop, a mall business, or a large enterprise, BiDir welcomes everyone.
Grab your online shop/space now by clicking on “Get Your Free BiDir Shop”, and explore the world of opportunities being on the web and inside BiDir’s community has to offer.